Delta C-shape kites, the choice will be clear

2008 Bandit kites, the new patented Delta C-shape concept from F1 will give you the perfect ride this summer. Delta C is most effective at increasing the ratio of kite area catching the wind compared to the tips, but it retains all the precise performance of C-shape geometry. Video is online at right now. Preview pics at left and stay tuned for more info.

Delta C-shape is an innovative new concept from F1. This patent pending design is the result of extensive research on kite aerodynamics and depower capabilities. The Delta design brings unmatched stability in full depower mode and allows the front line attachments to be positioned higher up on the leading edge of the kite. Delta also means less area in the tips and more in the center of the kite where its useful. Retaining the C-shape keeps the ultimate standard in performance and handling. Whether you are a C-shape purist or flat kite fanatic the Delta C will amaze you.


Why the Delta C-shape will be the only clear choice for 2008:
  • A true fifth line safety effect with only 4 lines !
  • True auto relaunch Stop & Go effect.
  • Keeps control of the kite even fully de powered because the back lines always keep some tension.
  • Has a big projected area for a c shape because most of the m² are in the center of the kite. The tips are really small.
  • The Delta was so efficient that we lowered the AR compared to the Tribal.
  • Is incredible for un hooked with a better bar feeling than bow, SLE and hybrid kites
  • Innovative new Force Frame construction.
  • Can use with a short de power rope. Safety remains but auto relaunch can suffer from too little depower movement.
  • Super smooth power delivery and modulation
  • Stable smooth handling because Delta shape likes to track straight until you want it turn and not without pilot input.
  • Superb quick handling even in the larger sizes 13  or 15 m² .
  • Does not feel like a mosquito in smaller sizes, so you can relax instead of stress.
  • Fast to get used to. No need to change your way of riding. Our team just received the Bandit and chose it for competition the same week end!
  • Bar and lines are freely interchangeable between sizes

Get onto a demo Delta C-shape kite today, for more information look the products section of this site, and ask us any questions to

8-Aug-07 5:40PM