M8 Tannum Easter demo day

Friday the 10 April M8 will be at Tannum Sands with a truckload of kites and boards for you to poke at and try. F-one kites in particular are experiencing unprecedented demand which is absolutely exploding after their 2nd consecutive world speed title, and outright sailing speed record, another 1st for kites. Come and see the superior construction and design that puts F-one so far above the rest. The demo display will be on Good Friday afternoon near the site of the Easter Coconet kite classic. M8 team riders Nathan, Jason and Josh will be there for the whole weekend. If you are going to that event swing by the F-one tent and say g'day. Call 07 4972 9185 for more information and we look forward to catching up with you on the day.

30-Mar-09 4:28AM