Red Air River Rush

Thanks to Brett from Windswell tours for showing us his upcoming river run offering. A more beautiful setting is impossible to imagine, the crystal clear rapids bounded by lush rainforest make the new sensation of river running an unbeatable rush if you are lucky enough to get on this tour. Check out the vid and pics for just a sample of the awesome enjoyment.

We have done a bit of white water sup before and loved it. But this particular tour on this particular river is something to really rave about. Its family friendly yet wicked fun, its warm yet refreshing, and it takes you through some amazing rainforest at a perfect pace. Get yourself up to Cairns and get on it we guarantee you will be super stoked.

Why it works: Red Air inflatable boards springy suspension ride is great over rapids, rocks and rough stuff. Red Air inflatable boards are dingproof, the base paddles are bombproof, and Red flexy fins rock so you can go nuts and have way too much fun. Plus Red Air inflatables are much softer to fall on which is highly likely. Also accessing some rivers is way easier with a Red Air rolling up into its compact rucksack before / after the ride. DONT expect any of this with glass boards or paddles.

Why its cool: The challenge and perspective of standing up and moving about on the board in flowing water is totally different from sitting static. We were never grabbed by yakking or rafting but are super stoked on Red Air River running. Try it and you too will be addicted. Riding and racing stand up with companions on the same currents adds spice to the sensation.

Whats unique: Paddling upstream into the current we marvelled at the Red Airs ability to seemingly surf the current. Inexplicably creating their own vortex to escape the drift downstream. It was very noticeable on this Windswell tour, maybe its magic ! Theres no arguing that the incredible beauty of the environment there is magic. You have to experience it to know just how special it really is.

Where and when: Windswell operate out of Port Douglas in Far North QLD. This tour is great in the heat of the day during winters. Especially after doing one of the beach and coral reef Red Air paddle or kitesurf tours that Windswell offer. In the summer it would have to be the best way to cool off bar none, whenever monsoon floods are not too crazy.

Who does it: Windswell tours Tel 0427498042 is taking bookings and expressions of interest for this great new tour now but be quick as it might be limited numbers. Hopefully this tour can run year round, and you can be one of the lucky first if you call Windswell right now on 0427498042.

Go ahead scope out your local area for rivers and rapids to run, send us your findings or photos of river running Red Air inflatable boards. For more info on river running check out the Red Air FAQ
Stay tuned to the Red Air facebook page as well as this site for upcoming events

31-May-10 2:30PM