Plenty of carnage, plenty of laughter, plenty of shared stoke. And the RED air inflatable boards came out shining without a mark of damage. Very impressive. The contestants were also miraculously unscathed courtesy of the soft landings on RED airs. Getting run over was just part of the fun. Bonus bridge to bridge 2 hr downriver run was the perfect ending to a perfect morning. Cant wait to do it all again, stay tuned to and our fb page at bottom, check out the shop website and subscribe for updates.
Congrats AJ, Michelle and Ben for their podium places at the 1st ever paddleX. Scoring prize vouchers courtesy adventure equipment Cairns and Windswell Pt Douglas. Thanks also to DJ cocodidge aka Simon for the awesome pumping tunes and bigbeatbox to play them. And of course Mat Colefax for conceiving, creating and co-ordinating the paddleX concept into reality. More information, pictures and video will be put online soon, and meantime a short roundup is on our facebook page link below.

15-Jul-10 4:26AM